Site Preparation & Application Process

As part of our service, we conduct a site visit prior to each pour. At this time we will assess the access to the site, the water supply and finalised details of the site preparation, answering any questions you may have.

Given that Easy Screed is a liquid when being installed, you will need to make a few simple preparations before our team arrives on site:

When installing over underfloor heating

Step 1 Installation of Datum Line
We ask that a chalk line is marked 1 meter above the finished screed level. This will act as an indicator to our team, who will use laser levels during the pour.
Step 2 Install insulation
Easy Screed can be poured over up-to 200mm of insulation. Our recommendation is that a combination of polystyrene and high density insulation are used, with the high density being installed nearest to the top
Step 3 Install Expansion Strip
It is best practice to install an expansion strip around the perimeter of ALL walls in the building, to ensure the walls and floors are kept separate. Dependent on the insulation used, it will also help with flanking sounds between rooms. There is no-need to install expansion joints in the floor unless there is a run of greater than 7m in any one area.
Step 4 Install Plastic Membrane
Installation of a plastic membrane is essential when pouring a liquid screed. By its nature, the screed will flow anywhere it is let, therefore installation of a 500 gauge plastic membrane over the chosen insulation is required to tank out the area. The plastic should be well taped, and turned up the walls approximately 150mm. It should be flush with the walls and corners.
Step 5 Install UFH pipes
Underfloor heating pipes can be installed in a variey of methods, clipping down onto the insulation, by means of a track system or cable-tied to mesh are the most common. Our requirement is that the pipes are clipped/fixed every 300mm to ensure that they do not float in the screed. If the underfloor heating pipes are being installed into a system plate or egg-crate like system, please advise us.

When installing as a levelling screed

Preparation is necessary, when pouring Easy Screed as a levelling screed over existing concrete or sand and cement, to debond the two screed types.

  • If the average depth of the screed is over 25mm, a 500 gauge plastic membrane is required to tank out the area.
  • Where pouring less than 25mm, a special primer will be required. Our team will install this prior to installation of the screed.

Application Process

Easy Screed is only installed by Easyscreed and our trained staff
Causing minimal disruption to your site, virtually every aspect of our application process is performed outside of the building. Mixed on-site in our specially designed compact pump-mixer, Easy Screed is fed into area being screeded by hose, through either a window, door or up the stairs.

The screed is rapidly installed in a single continuous operation. Following a light dappling of the surface the job is done. Within hours your job will be completed. Simple, quick, no fuss.

The next day you will be able to walk on the screed and continue on with light works on-site. Unlike with synthetic anhydrite screeds, no surface laitance forms on Easy Screed and therefore no sanding or powerfloating is required after the pour.

We recommend that details outlined on our Before and Aftercare sheet are followed.